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Sim City 3000 Free Download Games Full Version

Sim City 3000 Free Download Games Full Version
Sim City 3000
Sim City 3000 Free Download Games Full Version - There are a lot of changes between SimCity 3000 and its predecessor SimCity 2000 (SC2K). These changes span the two integral city management aspects of the game, as well as with graphic and landscape aspects. City services for new and more performing. This change gives the game feels very different than SC2K.
The most notable change is the addition of the concept of waste management. In SC3K, started collecting garbage when the city grow to medium size, and must be disposed of at the expense of the city. Agriculture and agricultural structures were also introduced, appearing on large light industrial zones in a city with low land value and little pollution. New zoning density was also added, totalling three densities, compared to SC2K's two. In addition to their limited life span, power plants also made vulnerable to decreasing maximum output due to age.
Although the concept of neighbor cities was introduced in sc2k, it greatly expanded upon in sc3k. For new players is the interaction with neighboring countries, cities, rudimenter business negotiations associated with other mayors, such as the sale or purchase of water, electricity or waste management services. This produces a monthly fee which is either added to or subtracted from the player's treasury, in accordance with the agreement. Canceling a neighbor deal will incur a penalty.
Sim City 3000 Free Download Games Full Version
Sim City 3000 Free Download Games Full Version
Although not strictly city management aspect, SimCity 3000 simulates the effect of land value on construction much more realistically than in SimCity 2000. In SC3K, land value creates very distinct neighborhoods which tend to contain narrow income bands, creating well-defined slums, middle class areas, and wealthy areas. Land values are also determined by the effect of the center of the city where the building is located in the city centre has a higher value of the land and the buildings on the border have lower land values.
Sim City 3000 Free Download Games Full Version
Sim City 3000 Free Download Games Full Version
Sim City 3000 Free Download Games Full Version
Sim City 3000 Free Download Games Full Version
Another business transaction a new concept to SC3K; by allowing certain structures that were built in the town, the player can receive a substantial amount of funds from them. Business structure of the deal, however, has a serious negative effect on the town. There are some changes to the graphical interface in SC3K. Although the game retained the pseudo-isometric dimetric perspective of its predecessor, the actual landscape became more complex and colorful. In SimCity and SC2K, the playable landscape is mostly brown, while in SC3K, the playable landscape is a more realistic green color, along with other colors that progressively change by height, from beige (beach sand) to green to Brown (bare ground) white (snow). In SC2K, land could either be flat or slanted, and steepness of slopes is all the same. In SC3K, there are five distinct steepness of slope, creating a more diverse landscape. Also, there are a variety of tree types that can appear on the map played.
 Sim City 3000 Free Download Games Full Version
System Requirement
Minimum CPU Type: Pentium
Minimum CPU Speed: 166 MHz
Minimum RAM Required: 32 MB
Minimum Hard Disk Space: 230 MB
Graphics Type: SVGA
Graphics Resolution: Multiple Resolutions
Color Depth: High Color
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Sim City 3000 Free Download
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part 1 : http://adf.ly/DXfrT
Part 2 : http://adf.ly/DXg1k
pass : Link Medaifire 

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